Tuesday, December 12, 2006


in the web
the speaking place
place where the lips hear
place where the lips speak
moving against the black
the red against the black
the pouring out
the pouring
of speech in speaking
thought in thinking
all those voices
of those promises
of going back home
going back to the roots
finding the nymphs
in the woods rivers springs
telling their truths to you
in the mesh of the leaves
the listening place
place where the nymphs speak
place where the hunters sleep
dreaming of a word to fill
original nothingness
pouring out
a missed space
or step
the wonder of breath
silence of her washing
amber light
of spring water running
over areola
shock of magenta hair
nymph aureole
her names are only your names
taken from the babbling of brooks
you have tried to pin the flow
and the pouring of her song
do you doubt
her music
the origin of her song?
what you will
cannot remember
the limit of her dance
as she spins
in the slow running water
only her mother’s daughter
hunter only your words to fill
the spaces in your dreams
the end never comes
comes to a never end
loops back
an 8 in the mirror
mirroring her song
and back
to the place of the flowing
if there’s a song to sing
she’ll take it
she’ll want it
she’ll keep it
you want to step out of the song
leave the wood
but she’s still in the water
her back to you
to you her back
is the page
palimpsests faits chair
of the tomorrow’s song
the other night’s return
again to the moment
she turns and kills


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