Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm sitting on the sofa with Wolf 125 and a bass guitar. Today was the guitar's birthday. The name of the guitar is Coco Chanel. Wolf's not taking much as he keeps popping out to the garage to smoke hashish and Camels. I'm not sure which one is worse. Coco's not much of talker either.

Wolf comes back and we notice that the NZ Music award for best technician work is very poorly shot with cruddy sound. The presenter just reads out the names of the albums--there's no wipe-overs at the bottom of the screen showing you the CD covers or anything. It's just a list of names. Coco reckons we should email then and complain but we can't be stuffed.

Then there's this clip of Ruth from Minuit dressed in a schoolgirl's uniform--we look down on her from a high shot. She energetic, perhaps even anger, in the edgy three second clip. In a flash she vanished and I'm left wondering about that role, that message, and why it has been delivered to me.


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